Teil eines Buches,

Stochastic description of time delayed feedback oscillators

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Many cellular processes are regulated or driven by genetic oscillators, as in the case of circadian clocks, the cell cycle, and patterning developing vertebrate embryos. Due to the stochastic nature of gene expression, the period of such oscillations is subject to fluctuations. The precision of the oscillator can be characterized by the quality factor. We study the precision of genetic oscillators in a generic stochastic feedback system. We include the effects of amplification noise, arising for example from bursts of transcription and translation. We show that high quality is possible for certain parameter ranges even when the number of molecules is low and amplitude fluctuations are large.



  • @statphys23

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