
Die Permutationsmethode: Voraussetzungsfrei testen

41. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Dresden, Deutschland, Technische Universität Dresden, (September 1998)
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19532.69768


The permutation method, a computationally intensive method for statistical inference, is presented using the example of the 2-sample problem (t-test paradigm). In the permutation test, the probability of parameter differences is defined by comparing a characteristic value (e.g.: t-value) with a distribution of characteristic values that was generated by permutation of the raw data. The superiority of the permutation method, which, in contrast to the asymptotic approximation, makes no demands on (a) distribution, (b) variances or (c) sample size due to this procedure, is demonstrated in the case of (a) extremely small or (b) extremely different sample sizes using numerical simulations and empirical examples demonstrated. The areas of application of the permutation method are discussed.



  • @schrausser

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