
Iliopsoas transfer in cerebral palsy: the long-term outcome.

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J Pediatr Orthop, 14 (3): 295--298 (1994)


Thirty-three patients with cerebral palsy had iliopsoas transfers as part of their surgery for hip instability. All had total-body involvement, spastic cerebral palsy and none could walk. At the time of surgery, eight hips were subluxated and 39 were dislocated or severely subluxated. Mean follow-up was 8 years in patients between 8-25 years old. Forty-five of the 47 hips were located. Thirty patients had an accompanying scoliosis, and, in 10 patients, the rib cage impinged on the pelvis. Hip flexion had decreased in most patients. Sitting ability had not improved in any patient, and had in fact deteriorated in 50\%.



  • @ar0berts

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