
Ranking based search in the encrypted cloud environment

, and .
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3 (2): 842--844 (February 2015)
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150289


Cloud computing is emerging as a promising technology for outsourcing of data and quality of data services. However, information which is sensitive when upload on cloud eventually cause privacy problems. Data encryption provides security of data to some level, but at the cost of compromised efficiency. This paper focus on addressing data privacy problems. For the first time, the privacy issue is formulated from the aspect of similarity relevance of data and scheme robustness. Privacy of data is not assured if Server-side ranking based on order-preserving encryption is maintained. For the assurance of data privacy, multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted data in cloud computing (MRSE) scheme is proposed which supports top-k multi keyword retrieval. In MRSE, vector space model and Homomorphic encryption were employed. The vector space model helps to provide accuracy sufficient search of data and the Homomorphic encryption enables users to involve in the encryption of data. The majority of computing work is done on the server side. As a result, leakage of information can be eliminated and data security is ensured.



  • @ijritcc

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