
Analytic formulae for CMB anisotropy in LTB cosmology

, , and .
(2010)cite arxiv:1002.3855 Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. For proceedings of JGRG19 (Rikkyo U, Japan, 30 November - 4 December 2009).


The local void model has lately attracted considerable attention since it can explain the present apparent accelerated expansion of the universe without introducing dark energy. However, in order to justify this model as an alternative cosmological model to the standard $Łambda$CDM model (FLRW universe plus dark energy), one has to test the model by various observations, such as CMB temperature anisotropy, other than the distance-redshift relation of SNIa. For this purpose, we derive some analytic formulae that can be used to rigorously compare consequences of this model with observations of CMB anisotropy and to place constraints on the position of observers in the void model.



  • @ad4

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