Teil eines Buches,

Strong-Disorder Fixed Point in the Dissipative Random Transverse-Field Ising Model

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


The interplay between disorder, quantum fluctuations, and dissipation is studied in the random transverse Ising chain coupled to a dissipative Ohmic bath with a real space renormalization group. A typically very large length scale $L^*$ is identified above which the physics of frozen clusters dominates. Below $L^*$ a strong-disorder fixed point determines scaling at a pseudocritical point. In a Griffiths-McCoy region frozen clusters produce already a finite magnetization resulting in a classical low temperature behavior of the susceptibility and specific heat. These override the confluent singularities that are characterized by a continuously varying exponent $z$ and are visible above a temperature $T^*L^*^-z$.



  • @statphys23

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