
Real-time seismology and earthquake damage mitigation

Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 33 (1): 195--214 (January 2005)
DOI: 10.1146/


Real-time seismology refers to a practice in which seismic data arecollected and analyzed quickly after a significant seismic event, sothat the results can be effectively used for postearthquake emergencyresponse and early warning. As the technology of seismicinstrumentation, telemetry, computers, and data storage facilityadvances, the real-time seismology for rapid postearthquake notificationis essentially established. Research for early warning is stillunderway. Two approaches are possible: (a) regional warning and (b)on-site (or site-specific) warning. In (a), the traditionalseismological method is used to locate an earthquake, determine themagnitude, and estimate the ground motion at other sites. In (b), thebeginning of the ground motion (mainly P wave) observed at a site isused to predict the ensuing ground motion at the same site. An effectiveapproach to on-site warning is discussed in light of earthquake rupturephysics.



  • @nilsma

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