
Network Applications of Bloom Filters: A Survey

, and .
Internet Mathematics, 1, page 636--646. (2002)


A Bloom filter is an ingenious randomized data-structure for concisely representing a set in order to support approximate membership queries. The space efficiency is achieved at the cost of a small probability of false positives. It was invented by Burton Bloom in 1970 for the purpose of spell checking and for many years it was seldom mentioned in other contexts, except for database optimization. Nevertheless, Bloom&\#039;s beautiful approach has seen a sudden resurgence in a variety of large-scale network applications such as shared web caches, query routing, and replica location. This survey presents a plethora of recent uses of this old data structure, its modern variants, and the mathematical basis behind them, with the aim of making these ideas available to a wider community and the hope of inspiring new applications.



  • @chesteve

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