
Learning Contexts. A Blueprint for Research

Interactive Educational Multimedia, (2005)


Most research efforts in online learning tend to concentrate on the delivery of content relegating to a lesser role the contexts, the activity-rich, interaction-rich and culturally- rich learning environments that the use of technology is making possible and where new principles and practices apply. We illustrate some of the threads of this emerging research field: What are learning contexts? How do they interact with contents? How can they be managed? What philosophical perspectives and social theories frame and support their use? Can they be designed? How do they shape the platforms of the future?



  • @pasmoi144

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  • @pasmoi144
    12 years ago
    The paper deals with the questions "what is context in the field of online learning?" and "what makes context different from content?". It illustrates the problem of defining a fixed context in an unlimited, everchanging world, on which assumption constructivist learning theories draw upon. The author shows how content and context can intermingle with each other, depending on the point of view learners have. Building on these theoretical concepts and some others like Lator's Actor Network Theory (which the authors of the paper doesn't manage to explain the connection to his work with) and Alexander's Theory of Wholeness (which to me seems a bit esoteric, the way the author of this paper explains it) Figueiredo tries to outline a building plan for learning platforms. In doing so he brings up and describes a concept called "translation" for the process of designing a learning environment, which to me didn't explain anything. He then describes some ways of contextual assessment (learning portfolios, presentations, projects, essays) which to me fall all short of the aim of clarifying what context is and how it can be detected. Maybe the paper is useful to other researchers in the field of online learning but to me it doesn't seem very helpful when thinking about context aware learning plattorms.
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