
Condition of existence of the supersolid state

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Since Kim and Chan performed the torsional oscillator experiment on solid Helium 41, the studies on supersolid has been activated. Supersolid state is characterized by coexistence of diagonal-long-range-order(DLRO) and off-diagonal-long-range-order(ODLRO), which corresponds to solid order and superfluid order, respectively. Theoretically, Matsuda and Tsuneto first proposed hardcore bose Hubbard model as describing this system2, which can be mapped onto XXZ-model for spin 1/2 system. And Batrouni showed numerically that supersolid state is unstable when only nearest-neighbor interaction is considered, but stable when next-nearest-neighbor interaction is added3. On the other hand, Sengupta examined softcore bose Hubbard model4, in which two or more particles can exist on a site, and found stable supersolid phase for densities larger than 1/2. Supersolid state is understood as a state, in which additional particles form the superfluid state on the background checkerboard structure. The Hamiltonian for this system is described by eqnarray* H=-t\sum_<ij>(a_i^\daggera_j+a_i a_j^\dagger)+V\sum_<ij>n_i n_j+\\ +U2 \sum_i n_i(n_i-1) -\sum_i n_i eqnarray* Here, $t$ is the hopping term between nearest neighbor sites, and $V$ and $U$ represents the nearest-neighbor and on-site repulsion, respectively. In this study, we analyze the softcore bose Hubbard model from three viewpoints below. First, we show that $U$ plays an important role in realization of the supersolid phase. Also, when we plot the superfluid order parameter as a function of $U$Fig.1, the curve shows a characteristic peek structure, which corresponds to the flatness of the effective potential that additional particles feel. Second, we examine the lattice dependence on the stability of supersolid state. Especially, we found the supersolid state on the cubic lattice, and the dimensionality effect on supersolidity will be discussed. Finally, we show the meanfield phase diagram of softcore model, and the correspondence of the phase diagram by meanfield theory and that by simulation will be discussed. We use stochastic series expansion scheme in simulations. 1 E.Kim and M.H.W.Chan, Nature. 427, 225 (2004) 2 Matsuda and Tsuneto, Suppl. Prog. Theo. Phys. 46, 411 (1970) 3 G.G.Batrouni and R.T.Scalettar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1599 (2000) 4 P. Sengupta, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 207202 (2005)



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