
Subgraph centrality in complex networks

, and .
Phys. Rev. E, 71 (5): 056103+ (May 2005)
DOI: 10.1103/physreve.71.056103


We introduce a new centrality measure that characterizes the participation of each node in all subgraphs in a network. Smaller subgraphs are given more weight than larger ones, which makes this measure appropriate for characterizing network motifs. We show that the subgraph centrality \$C\_S(i)\$ can be obtained mathematically from the spectra of the adjacency matrix of the network. This measure is better able to discriminate the nodes of a network than alternate measures such as degree, closeness, betweenness, and eigenvector centralities. We study eight real-world networks for which \$C\_S(i)\$ displays useful and desirable properties, such as clear ranking of nodes and scale-free characteristics. Compared with the number of links per node, the ranking introduced by \$C\_S(i)\$ (for the nodes in the protein interaction network of S. cereviciae) is more highly correlated with the lethality of individual proteins removed from the proteome.



  • @karthikraman

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