
Projected increases in summer and winter UK sub-daily precipitation extremes from high-resolution regional climate models

, , , , и .
Environmental Research Letters, 9 (8): 084019 (2014)


Summer (June–July–August; JJA) UK precipitation extremes projections from two UK Met Office high-resolution (12 km and 1.5 km) regional climate models (RCMs) are shown to be resolution dependent. The 1.5 km RCM projects a uniform ( ##IMG## http://ej.iop.org/images/1748-9326/9/8/084019/erl499663ieqn1.gif $10\%$ ) increase in 1 h JJA precipitation intensities across a range of return periods. The 12 km RCM, in contrast, projects decreases in short return period (≦̸5 years) events but strong increases in long return period (⩾20 years) events. We have low physical and statistical confidence in the 12 km RCM projections for longer return periods. Both models show evidence for longer dry periods between events. In winter (December–January–February; DJF), the models show larger return level increases (⩾40%). Both DJF projections are consistent with results from previous work based on coarser resolution models.


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