
Two-level laser by the interaction of self-induced transparency pulses and surface Anderson localizations of light

, und .
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 29 (8): 2080--2089 (August 2012)


Self-induced transparency (SIT) pulses induce a traveling population inversion in two-level atoms. As a rule, the active medium in which the soliton travels has to be homogeneous. Here, we study the effect of a spatially disordered modulation in the refractive index profile that may lead to Anderson localizations. The interplay between the ultrashort SIT pulse, a nonlinear effect, and this kind of disorder-induced mode exhibits intriguing features. Once the SIT pulse is confined in the spatially confined regions, they act as closed cavities for the SIT population inversion. A positive optical feedback mechanism can be thus activated and, as a result, a two-level laserlike emission can be obtained.



  • @nonlinearxwaves

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