Beliebiger Eintrag,

CIII Emission in Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 1

, , , und .
(2016)cite arxiv:1612.06866Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ApJ.


The CIIIłambdałambda1907, 1909 rest-frame UV emission doublet has recently been detected in galaxies during the epoch of reionization (z > 6), with high equivalent width (>10 \AA, rest frame). Currently, it is possible to obtain much more detailed information for star-forming galaxies at significantly lower redshift. Accordingly, studies of their far-UV spectra are useful for understanding the factors modulating the strength of CIII emission. We present the first statistical sample of CIII emission measurements in star-forming galaxies at z ~ 1. Our sample is drawn from the DEEP2 survey and spans the redshift 0.64 < z < 1.35 (<z> = 1.08). We find that the median equivalent width (EW) of individual CIII detections in our sample (1.30 \AA) is much smaller than the typical value observed thus far at z > 6. Furthermore, out of 184 galaxies with coverage of CIII, only 40 have significant detections. Galaxies with individual CIII detections have bluer colors and lower luminosities on average than those without, implying that strong CIII emitters are in general young and low-mass galaxies without significant dust extinction. Using stacked spectra, we further investigate how CIII strength correlates with multiple galaxy properties (M_B, U-B, M*, star-formation rate, specific star-formation rate) and rest-frame near-UV (FeII* and MgII) and optical OIII and H\beta) emission line strengths. These results provide a detailed picture of the physical environment in star-forming galaxies at z ~ 1, and motivate future observations of strong CIII emitters at similar redshifts.



  • @miki

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