
Virtual Ecosystems - Evolutionary and Genetic Programming from the perspective of modern means of ecosystem-modelling

Bayreuth Forum Ecology Institute for Terrestrial Ecosystems, Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany, (2002)(in German).


The realm of Evolutionary Computation covers many tools commonly used for solving complex discrete and continuous global optimization problems. These methods, which are known as Genetic Algorithms, Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary Programming and Genetic Programming, stem from efforts of modeling adaptive systems, from engineering and computer science. They are based on the idea of restating the Darwinian principles of natural evolution in algorithmic terms in order to get problem-solving methods for non-biological applications. Today Genetic Algorithms, Evolution Strategies and Evolutionary Programming mainly serve as mathematical techniques of numerical optimization. Genetic Programming likewise is an adaptation technique, but there is a different focus: based on evolutionary principles Genetic Programming enables us to automatically generate computer programs.The underlying hypotheses of this book is that the main point of natural, biological evolution is its data processing aspect. Evolution is seen as a certain way of processing individuals' and populations' genetic data. Referring to Evolutionary Computation there is a very interesting question now: Is it appropriate to employ Genetic Programming and similar algorithms in order to investigate natural evolution? Of course this means turning around the application profile of Evolutionary Computation, so where do we have to alter its algorithmic structure and the like? Finally, supposed there is a modified method, how do the results of both the classic algorithm and the modified variant compare to each other?In the first chapter we state the general notion of a search strategy. It may be a living being's policy of resource allocation, for example, but the notion covers optimization methods, too. A search strategy shall be defined in mathematical terms as being a dynamical system combined with a quality measure which is based on the trajectories the dynamical system produces. The author proposes a precise formulation for what a search strategy is generally claimed to accomplish, namely to generate dynamic behavior which gets us to the neighborhood of a predefined goal, possibly obeying certain constraints within the dynamics of the search process.Chapter two contains a gentle introduction into the field of Evolutionary Computation, namely Adaptive Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Evolution Strategies and Evolutionary Programming. We focus on Genetic Programming, however, and take a look at a paradigmatic experiment for automatically finding search strategies, i.e. the so-called artificial ant-experiment. In doing so the reader is also shown how the mathematical framework built in the first chapter may be used to formulate the artificial ant-problem.



  • @brazovayeye

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