
AMBER: A Semi-Numerical Abundance Matching Box for the Epoch of Reionization

, , , , and .
(2021)cite arxiv:2109.10375Comment: 29 pages, 21 figures, 1 table. Submitted to ApJ. AMBER will be made publicly available when the paper is published.


The Abundance Matching Box for the Epoch of Reionization (AMBER) is a semi-numerical code for modeling the cosmic dawn. The new algorithm is not based on the excursion set formalism, but takes the novel approach of calculating the reionization-redshift field $z_re(x)$ assuming that hydrogen gas encountering higher radiation intensity are photoionized earlier. Redshift values are assigned while matching the abundance of ionized mass according to a given mass-weighted ionization fraction $x_i(z)$. The code has the unique advantage of allowing users to directly specify the reionization history through the redshift midpoint $z_mid$, duration $\Delta_z$, and asymmetry $A_z$ input parameters. The reionization process is further controlled through the minimum halo mass $M_min$ for galaxy formation and the radiation mean free path $l_mfp$ for radiative transfer. We implement improved methods for constructing density, velocity, halo, and radiation fields, which are essential components for modeling reionization observables. We compare AMBER with two other semi-numerical methods and find that our code more accurately reproduces the results from radiation-hydrodynamic simulations. The parallelized code is over four orders of magnitude faster than radiative transfer simulations and will efficiently enable large-volume models, full-sky mock observations, and parameter-space studies. AMBER will be made publicly available to facilitate and transform studies of the EoR.



  • @gpkulkarni

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