
The noncentral Wishart as an exponential family, and its moments

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Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99 (7): 1393 - 1417 (2008)Special Issue: Multivariate Distributions, Inference and Applications in Memory of Norman L. Johnson.


While the noncentral Wishart distribution is generally introduced as the distribution of the random symmetric matrix Y1∗Y1+⋯+Yn∗Yn where Y1,…,Yn are independent Gaussian rows in Rk with the same covariance, the present paper starts from a slightly more general definition, following the extension of the chi-square distribution to the gamma distribution. We denote by γ(p,a;σ) this general noncentral Wishart distribution: the real number p is called the shape parameter, the positive definite matrix σ of order k is called the shape parameter and the semi-positive definite matrix a of order k is such that the matrix ω=σaσ is called the noncentrality parameter. This paper considers three problems: the derivation of an explicit formula for the expectation of tr(Xh1)…tr(Xhm) when X∼γ(p,a,σ) and h1,…,hm are arbitrary symmetric matrices of order k, the estimation of the parameters (a,σ) by a method different from that of Alam and Mitra K. Alam, A. Mitra, On estimated the scale and noncentrality matrices of a Wishart distribution, Sankhyā, Series B 52 (1990) 133–143 and the determination of the set of acceptable p’s as already done by Gindikin and Shanbag for the ordinary Wishart distribution γ(p,0,σ).



  • @shabbychef

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