
Strong stellar-driven outflows shape the evolution of galaxies at cosmic dawn

, , and .
(2017)cite arxiv:1703.02983Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted.


We study the galaxy mass assembly and cosmic star formation rate (SFR) at high-redshift (z>4), by comparing data from multiwavelength surveys with predictions from the GAlaxy Evolution and Assembly (GAEA) model. GAEA implements an improved stellar feedback scheme based on cosmological hydrodynamical simulations (FIRE), that features strong stellar driven outflows, and it is able to correctly reproduce the evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) up to z$\sim$3. We contrast model predictions with both rest-frame Ultra-Violet (UV) and optical luminosity functions (LF), which are mostly sensible to the SFR and stellar mass, respectively. We show that GAEA is able to reproduce the shape and redshift evolution of both sets of LFs. In addition, the required level of dust attenuation is in qualitative agreement with recent estimates based on the UV continuum slope. The consistency between data and model predictions holds for the redshift evolution of the physical quantities: GAEA is able to recover the evolution of the GSMF up to z$\sim$7 and the cosmic SFR density up to z$\sim$10.



  • @miki

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  • @williamdoonan
    8 years ago (last updated 8 years ago)
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