
Resolving the molecular gas around the lensed quasar RXJ0911.4+0551

, , , , , , , and .
(2013)cite arxiv:1303.6110Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A.


We report on high angular resolution observations of the CO(7-6) line and millimeter continuum in the host galaxy of the gravitationally lensed (z~2.8) quasar RXJ0911.4+0551 using the Plateau de Bure Interferometer. Our CO observations resolve the molecular disk of the source. Using a lens model based on HST observations we fit source models to the observed visibilities. We estimate a molecular disk radius of 1$\pm$0.2 kpc and an inclination of 69$\pm$6\deg, the continuum is more compact and is only marginally resolved by our observations. The relatively low molecular gas mass, $Mgas=(2.3\pm 0.5)10^9$ Msolar, and far infrared luminosity, $LFIR=(7.21.5) 10^11$ Lsolar, of this quasar could be explained by its relatively low dynamical mass, $Mdyn=(3.90.9)10^9$ Msolar. It would be a scaled-down version the QSOs usually found at high-z. The FIR and CO luminosities lie on the correlation found for QSOs from low to high redshifts and the gas-to-dust ratio ($4517$) is similar to the one measured in the z=6.4 QSO, SDSS J1148+5251. Differential magnification affects the continuum-to-line luminosity ratio, the line profile and possibly the spectral energy distribution.



  • @miki

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