
Classroom of the future

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Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, (2010)


Will classrooms still exist 20 years from now? Do we have traditional classrooms in a physical sense anymore? What is the classroom anyway? For most of us, a classroom consists of four walls, ‘closed’ doors, chairs, tables, perhaps a blackboard, and sometimes a desk - simple but efficient pieces of furniture. A quick glance at the history of pedagogical practices reveals that the classroom has scarcely evolved over a period of many years. Is the traditional classroom intrinsically outdated or has it rather survived the test of time because it is already self-reconfigurable and has been adapted in many different contexts of use? Do we even need a classroom anymore? Do we need a teacher in the classroom? What do we teach and what do we want pupils to learn? What kinds of knowledge and skills will be required in the future? These are some of the questions that we should bear in mind when thinking about the classroom of the future.



  • @yish

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