
Moving to a global low carbon economy: implementing the Stern Review

London: HMSO, (2007)


In order to take effective global action, there is a need to develop a greater understanding of the costs of the impacts of climate change. The Government therefore commissioned Sir Nicholas Stern in July 2005 to lead a major independent review of the economics of climate change, in order to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of the economic challenges and how they can be met. The Stern Review reported on 30 October 2006. This document, published alongside the Government's 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review and 2007 Pre-Budget Report, one year on from the publication of the Stern Review, draws together the key aspects of the Government's response to date, and its future priorities, both in the context of international negotiations and of the UK's efforts at home and abroad to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.



  • @sustdev_ac
  • @nicoj

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