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    Dojo provides cool cross browser javascript widgets that enable full featured GUI clients running on javascript in a browser. JSF developers who want to use dojo need to find a way to connect the dojo widgets with their backing beans. With Facelets we can build templates that connect dojo widgets with standard JSF tags. These templates are packaged as tags in a jar. Using templates with standard JSF tags we achieve portability from JSF 1.1 up to JSF 2.0. Furthermore you can easily take a template out of the jar, modify it and use it separately. DojoFaces is released under the Apache License to give you all legal right to do so. All tags have full AJAX support. With dojo it's good practice to reduce roundtrips and use AJAX whereever possible to avoid time consuming page startups. Here's the link to our examples page to demonstrate the features.
    15 years ago by @gresch
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