Una giornata []7.9.24 di riflessione nell’isola del “Manifesto” di Spinelli, organizzata dalla Cgil nazionale sotto il segno della storia, della democrazia e della pace.
Prenderanno la parola, tra gli altri, Filippo Ciavaglia (Area internazionale Cgil, e membro del Consiglio generale degli italiani all'estero), Francesco Sinopoli (presidente Fdv), Pier Virgilio Dastoli (presidente del Movimento Europeo), Gianluca Torelli (responsabile delle politiche giovanili Cgil), Giuseppe Massafra (segretario Cgil Latina e Frosinone), Simone Pampanelli (segretario Cgil Perugia) e Andrea Malpassi (Area internazionale Cgil).
Eric Toussaint mfl i en analys av EU-utvecklingen några dar före EU-valen 9.6.24 "The European Eurocracy is planning to give the extreme right a specific role in European government, thereby burying all of the taboos and precautions that Western democracies have taken against these political movements since the end of WWII".
Apropå "the Eurocracy". Jag misstänker att Spinelli är upphovsman till begreppet, liksom det egentligen var han som namngav den europeiska unionen. Se Spinellis bok "The Eurocrats" från 1966 och Spinelligruppens utkast till fördrag om Europeiska unionen, som antogs av europaparlamentet år 1984.
Toussaint m fl skriver:
"The most powerful EU leaders not only approve the Zionist state’s policy of war crimes against the civilian population of Gaza, citing a non-existent ‘right to defence’ on the part of an occupying power. They also repress and attempt to ban any internal voices that oppose unconditional EU support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine and genocide of Gazans. The McCarthyite drift has a true goal: not simply to eliminate solidarity with the Palestinian cause, but to discipline the European population around the geostrategic interests of its elites, namely the remilitarization of Europe around the war in Ukraine and unconditional support for Israel".
Ovanstående är lätt att hålla med om. Däremot vill åtminstone inte jag förena mig i de tre skribenternas -- en fransmans, en spanjors och en irländares -- överdrivet antieuropeiska utgjutelse i följande stycke:
"Perhaps the only positive outcome of all of this is that we can finally consign to the dust bin, all of the so-called ‘European values’ and ‘founding myths of peace’ that the EU liberal propaganda machine continues to hammer away at".
Vad de "europeiska värdena" beträffar ska vi nog akta oss att slänga bort rubbet. Idag är det visserligen uppenbart att EU, trots Spinellis och hans kollegors ansträngningar, aldrig blev ett fredsprojekt men det är svårt att se hur vi människor någonsin ska få till världsfred om vi inte lyckas få Europa att slå in på fredens väg.
I en artikel på webbtidningen Meer anklagar Michael von der Schulenburg, f.d. vice generalsekreterare i FN, EU för att driva en ännu mer krigsaktivistisk politik än USA. USA håller ibland tillbaka, men det gör inte EU. Europa kommer att få betala dyrt för den politiken, säger Schulenburg. Artikeln i sin helhet: Kommer kriget i Ukraina… (översatt från https://www.meer.com/en/74782-will-the-ukraine-war-be-the-undoing-for-the-european-union)
La lezione di Altiero Spinelli nel 34° anniversario della sua morte. Evento online a cura del Movimento Federalista Europeo di Genova, Forlì e Valpolicella e...
This Nuclear Proliferation International History Project (NPIHP) research update presents new source materials from the Dutch government, specifically the Council of Ministers, detailing the Dutch role in the negotiations from 1962 to 1965 surrounding the establishment of a Multilateral Force (MLF). Though ultimately unsuccessful, the effort to establish a European-American multilateral nuclear force is an important episode in Cold War history, nuclear history, and the ongoing story of European integration.
From the outset Canadian officials had an incredibly expansive definition of NATO's supposed defensive character, which says an "attack against one ally is considered as an attack against all allies." As part of the Parliamentary debate over NATO external minister Lester Pearson said: "There is no better way of ensuring the security of the Pacific Ocean at this particular moment than by working out, between the great democratic powers, a security arrangement the effects of which will be felt all over the world, including the Pacific area.” Two years later he said: “The defence of the Middle East is vital to the successful defence of Europe and north Atlantic area.” In 1953 Pearson went even further: “There is now only a relatively small [5000 kilometre] geographical gap between southeast Asia and the area covered by the North Atlantic treaty, which goes to the eastern boundaries of Turkey.”
Rund um den 25. März 2017 ertönen zum 60. Jahrestag der Europäischen Verträge Hohelieder auf die Erfolge der Europäischen Integration. Angesichts der Bilanz der Integration, der Erweiterung und der Beziehungen zu unseren Nachbarn sehen wir wenig Grund zum Feiern und Singen. Das Fundament des Europäischen Hauses hat tiefe Risse. Wir, Unterzeichnerinnen und Unterzeichner dieser Aufforderung zur Diskussion, nehmen den Jahrestag der Römischen Verträge zum Anlass, um Positionen über die Zukunft Europas zu erinnern, neu zu entwerfen und einen Austausch zu organisieren.
Un luogo carico di memorie, simbolo della resistenza antifascista e degli ideali europeisti di Altiero Spinelli, che rischia di andare in malora. Il governo
Nell'ultimo discorso di Spinelli al Parlamento europeo il suo commento dell'Atto unico europeo (entrato in vigore nel 1987). Il montaggio è di Italo Spinelli...
"Une veritable industrie aerospatiale europeenne existera-t-elle jamais"? Intervention de Monsieur Spinelli a la Conference du Financial Times "World Aerospace and Air Defense Industries" Paris, 27 Mai 1975
Av Gilles Deleuze. Ett kapitel ur boken Mille plateaux (1980), tusen platåer, översatt till svenska av Sven-Olov Wallenstein (Nomadologin, 1998). Länken till Geocities via www.krigsmaskinen.se bruten, men arkiverades av archive.org 2009. Vet inte riktig
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The Spinelli Group will come forward with suggestions it considers as necessary Big Steps Forward. There are a lot of themes and subjects on which the European Union should move forward but someone must put them on the agenda. Federal and post-national st
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Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos, 12 January 2011 "...the SPD, the Greens and Die Linke explicitly and robustly support the development of a real economic and political union, including the genuine co-ordination of economic policy, the harmonization of social
"During the 1956 Hungarian uprising the Finns had to bite their tongues and make no public expression of support for the Hungarians (as Finnish leaders had advised during the Polish rising in 1863). The Finns knew that their great eastern neighbor could b
Kommentar von Gabi Zimmer, April 2011: "Bereits 1941 hatte Altiero Spinelli als Antwort auf die Kriege des 20. Jahrhunderts im Manifest von Ventotene..." "Das Europäische Parlament, die direkte demokratische Vertretung der Menschen in Europa, wird heute v