
Dispelling Myths Around ODF

Recent articles, reports and documents show that there are still a lot of misperceptions regarding ODF in the market. Apparently, many people are still not well informed about ODF even though they choose to write about ODF. Therefore, I thought it can't hurt trying to dispel a couple of myths around ODF.

ODF is controlled by Sun

Considering how actively a company like IBM is involved in the standardization process and the whole file format debate, I doubt that IBM would allow Sun to control ODF. Nevertheless, Sun is not in the position to control ODF.

The TC accepted multiple proposals that are not implemented in, and did so without larger discussions.

Sun has only three votes out of 8 to 10 in the TC. Even if Sun wanted to prevent that certain proposals get added to the specification, Sun would not have the power to do so.




  • @torstenschuenemann

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