
Rondon/Kawaguchi/Jhala: Liquid Types


Logically Qualified Data Types, abbreviated to Liquid Types, a system that combines Hindley-Milner type inference with Predicate Abstraction to automatically infer dependent types precise enough to prove a variety of safety properties. Liquid types allow programmers to reap many of the benefits of dependent types, namely static verification of critical properties and the elimination of expensive run-time checks, without manual annotation. We have implemented liquid type inference in Dsolve, which takes as input an Ocaml program and a set of logical qualifiers and infers dependent types for the expressions in the Ocaml program.We describe experiments using Dsolve to statically verify the safety of array accesses on a set of Ocaml benchmarks that were previously annotated as part of the DML project. When used with a simple set of bounds checking qualifiers, Dsolve reduces manual annotation required from 31% of program text to under 1%.




  • @draganigajic

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