
About FacetedDBLP


The FacetedDBLP search interface allows to search computer science publications in the DBLP collection starting from some keyword and shows the result set along with a set of facets, e.g., distinguishing publication years, authors, or conferences. It is the first large scale application that uses GrowBag graphs to create a computer science specific topic facet, with which a user can characterize the result set in terms of main research topics and filter it according to certain subtopics.

FacetedDBLP builds upon the DBLP++ data set which is an enhancement of DBLP (as of 2008-11-21) plus additional keywords and abstracts as available on public web pages. We have also corrected some of the links to electronic editions, which were broken in DBLP. A brief description of the GrowBag facet within FacetedDBLP can be found in our JCDL paper, a detailed description of the algorithm is available on the GrowBag project page.




  • @pitman
  • @msn

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