
Jeremy Corbyn steps back from damaging Trident row | UK news | The Guardian


The leader’s closest ally, John McDonnell, also waded into the debate by insisting that the deal to “park” any changes on Trident policy was meant to “steady the ship” but insisted that neither he nor Corbyn would be silenced on the issue.

“On the Trident issue, as we did with Syria, there are strong differing views so there is always going to be a free vote. Jeremy and I and others will keep on campaigning and arguing the case but we recognise that these are really strong conscience issues,” he told the Guardian.

A source suggested that Corbyn had been persuaded because he knew that the renewal had already been passed by a vote in parliament.

However, the leader also took the opportunity to pass a new policy through Labour’s national executive committee promising to “honour our international treaty obligations on nuclear disarmament”, something that he believes would be breached by the renewal of Trident.




  • @mikaelbook

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