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Notes on contributors
Foreword: Roberto Busa
Introduction: Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens and John Unsworth
Part I: History:
1. The History of Humanities Computing: Susan Hockey (University College London)
2. Archaeology: Nick Eiteljorg
3. Art History: Michael Greenhalgh (Australian National University)
4. Classics: Greg Crane
5. History: Will Thomas (University of Virginia)
6. Lexicography: Russ Wooldridge (University of Toronto)
7. Linguistics: Jan Hajic (Charles University)
8. Literary Studies: Thomas Rommel (International University Bremen)
9. Music: Ichiro Fujinaga (McGill University) & Susan Weiss (Johns Hopkins University)
10. New Media: Geoff Rockwell (McMaster University) and Andrew Mactavish (McMaster University)
11. Performing Arts: David Saltz, UGA
12. Philosophy and Religion: Charles Ess (Drury University)
Part II: Principles:
13. How Computers Work: Andrea Laue (University of Virginia)
14. Classification and its structures: Michael Sperberg McQueen
15. Databases: Steve Ramsay (University of Georgia)
16. What is Already Encoded by the Text: Jerry McGann (University of Virginia)
17. Text Encoding: Allen Renear
18. Perspectives and Communities: Perry Willett (Indiana University)
19. Models: Willard McCarty (King's College London)
Part III: Applications:
20. Analysis and Authorship Studies: Hugh Craig (University of Newcastle, NSW)
21. Preparation and Analysis of Linguistic Corpora: Nancy Ide (Vassar College)
22. Electronic Scholarly Editing: Martha Nell Smith (Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities)
23. Textual Analysis: John Burrows
24. Thematic Research Collections: Carole Palmer (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
25. Print Scholarship and Digital Resources: Claire Warwick (University College London)
26. Digital Media and the Analysis of Film: Bob Kolker
27. Cognitive Stylistics and the Literary Imagination: Ian Lancashire (University of Toronto)
28. Multivariant Narratives: Marie-Laure Ryan
29. Speculative Computing: Aesthetic Provocations in Humanities Computing: Johanna Drucker (University of Virginia) & Bethany Nowviskie (University of Virginia)
30. Robotic Poetics: Bill Winder (University of British Columbia)
Part IV: Production, Dissemination, Archiving:
31. Project Design: Daniel Pitti (University of Virginia)
32. Conversion of Primary Sources: Marilyn Deegan (Oxford University) & Simon Tanner (Kings College London)
33. Text Tools: John Bradley (Kings College London)
34. Interface, Aesthetics, and Usability: Matt Kirschenbaum (University of Maryland, College Park)
35. Electronic Publishing: Michael Jensen
36. Digital Libraries in the Humanities: Howard Besser (New York University)
37. Preservation: Abby Smith
D. Boschung, and H. �von Hesberg (Eds.) Lehr- und Forschungszentrum für die antiken Kulturen des Mittelmeerraumes der Universität zu Köln, Köln, (2006)