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    Setting up USB on Ubuntu 7.04 Contributed by Ibrahim Ben Faruhn, 2007/06/14 After I had a taken a look into the insides of Ubuntu 7.04, I managed to get VirtualBox's USB-Support working there in such a way that the user only needs to be a member of a group called usbusers. This howto describes how I did it. Basically, you just have to tell Ubuntu that a group called usbusers should have read and write access to all usb devices. 1. Create a group called usbusers 2. Add yourself to this group 3. Edit the file /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules (for this, you must have administrative privileges) 3.1 Search for the following lines # USB devices (usbfs replacement) SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", MODE="0664" 3.2 Change them to the following # USB devices (usbfs replacement) SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", GROUP="usbusers", MODE="0664" 4. Restart your PC 5. You should now have write access to all usb devices.
    vor 17 Jahren von @butonic
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