A design persona has nine parts; Products are people, too. | 10 Steps to Personas: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/18/ef/dc/18efdc3bc2bd4a563d8ddbe6548194dc.jpg
"Emotional Cartography is a collection of essays from artists, designers, psychogeographers, cultural researchers, futurologists and neuroscientists, brought together by Christian Nold, to explore the political, social and cultural implications of visualising intimate biometric data and emotional experiences using technology" - http://www.biomapping.net/ - 18min/160MB-Video: http://www.archive.org/download/BioMapping/BioMapping.mp4
"A sandbox for collecting search examples, patterns, and anti-patterns. [...] Over time, I hope to add patterns that illustrate user behavior and the information architecture of search."