
Special Interest Group on Spatiality of Augmented Reality User Interfaces

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Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2019)Workshop.


Augmented reality and spatial information manipulation is being increasingly used as part of environ- ment integrated form factors and wearable device such as head-mounted displays. The integration of this exciting technology in many aspects of peoples’ lives is transforming the way we understand computing, pushing the boundaries of Spatial Interfaces into virtual but embedded environments. We think that the time is ripe for a renewed discussion about the role of Augmented Reality within Spatial Interfaces. With this SIG we want to expand the discussion related to Spatial Interfaces and the way they impact interaction with the world in two areas. First, we aim to critically discuss the definition of Spatial Interfaces and outline the common components that build such interfaces in today’s world. Second, we would like the community to reflect on the path ahead and focus on the potential of what kind of experiences can Spatial Interfaces achieve today


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  • @weibel

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