
This paper investigates the trade-off between the expressiveness of the pattern language and the performance of the pattern miner in structured data mining. This trade-off is investigated in the context of correlated pattern mining, which is concerned with finding the k-best patterns according to a convex criterion, for the pattern languages of itemsets, multi-itemsets, sequences, trees and graphs. The criteria used in our investigation are the typical ones in data mining: computational cost and predictive accuracy and the domain is that of mining molecular graph databases. More specifically, we provide empirical answers to the following questions: how does the expressive power of the language affect the computational cost? and what is the trade-off between expressiveness of the pattern language and the predictive accuracy of the learned model? While answering the first question, we also introduce a novel stepwise approach to correlated pattern mining in which the results of mining a simpler pattern language are employed as a starting point for mining in a more complex one. This stepwise approach typically leads to significant speed-ups (up to a factor 1000) for mining graphs.

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  • @dblp
  • @stefano
  • @seandalai
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