
Wiki and Semantics: Panacea, Contradiction in Terms, Pressure for Innovation? - Some experiments and tracks towards Intelligence Amplifiers

. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Semantic Wikis -- From Wiki To Semantics, ESWC2006, (June 2006)


This paper examines the relative characteristics of wiki principles and of semantic systems. It first stresses some oppositions between these two approaches, and exposes the challenge of their reconciliation. We then make a detailed description of Ideliance, a "pure" semantic tool, and we set criteria to compare several existing semantic wiki systems. After a critical look at some of their features, we propose precise directions for cross-fertilisation of semantics and wikis, advocating for solid, long-term foundations.


All references containing the term "wiki" from the bibtex files of papers on the SemWiki2006 WS

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  • @lysander07
  • @xamde
  • @enricostano
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