
CycSim—an online tool for exploring and experimenting with genome-scale metabolic models

, , , , , и .
Bioinformatics, 25 (15): 1987--1988 (01.08.2009)
DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp268


Summary: CycSim is a web application dedicated to in silico experiments with genome-scale metabolic models coupled to the exploration of knowledge from BioCyc and KEGG. Specifically, CycSim supports the design of knockout experiments: simulation of growth phenotypes of single or multiple gene deletions mutants on specified media, comparison of these predictions with experimental phenotypes and direct visualization of both on metabolic maps. The web interface is designed for simplicity, putting constraint-based modelling techniques within easier reach of biologists. CycSim also functions as an online repository of genome-scale metabolic models.Availability: http://www.genoscope.cns.fr/cycsimContact: cycsim@genoscope.cns.fr


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