
Epilij i protuepilij o obiteljskom skandalu: De casibus domus atque familiae suae carmen allegoricum Vladislava Gučetića i odgovor na nj



THE EPYLLION AND COUNTER-EPYLLION ON A FAMILY SCANDAL De casibus domus atque familiae suae carmen allegoricum by Vladislav Gučetić Vladislav Gučetić (Vladislavus de Gozze, 1679–1746) is one of the first Ragusans who was educated at the Nobile Collegio Tolomei in Siena. Following his return he held important offices in the Ragusan Republic and enjoyed widespread acclaim as a prominent jurist. His allegorical epyllion On Misfortunes within One’s Own Home and Family (De casibus domus atque familiae suae carmen allegoricum) is preserved in manuscript at the Franciscan Library in Dubrovnik (Ms. 242 Brlek). The theme is a family quarrel: after the death of all potential male heirs, Vladislav wishes to marry one of his daughters to a man not deemed worthy of such a match by the rest of the family. The strongest opposition to his design is offered by the eldest daughter and her husband. It results eventually in physical confrontation. There are official reports in the Ragusan archives on this incident which took place in 1744. Hitherto the entire manuscript was attributed to Vladislav Gučetić. There is no doubt that the dedicatory epistle in elegiac dystichs and the first canto in dactylic hexameters (214 + 1543 verses, ff. 1-22) are indeed his work. However, the second part (969 hexameters, ff. 27-38) clearly could not have been written by him. The same story is told from an entirely different angle; moreover Vladislav’s death is explicitly mentioned in the Additio (ff. 37-38). Two versions of the same event render the Ms. 242 one of the most intriguing works of the Croatian Latin Literature of the 18th century. There were other eminent Ragusan Neo-Latin authors producing important works at that time, but not a single one offers ‘behind the scene’ glimpse of a patrician home or deals with the intense personal drama of a man burying his wife along with his sons and antagonising his daughters. No other contemporary work deals with minutiae of private foibles of the most prominent personalities in the public life.


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