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DOI: doi://10.26562/IJIRIS.2018.JYIS10080


The current study investigated a median filter with the fuzzy level set method to propose fuzzy segmentation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cerebral tissue images. An MRI image was used as an input image. A median filter and fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering were utilized to remove image noise and create image clusters, respectively. The image clusters showed initial and final cluster centers. The level set method was then used for segmentation after separating and extracting white matter from gray matter. Fuzzy c-means was sensitive to the choice of the initial cluster center. Improper center selection caused the method to produce suboptimal solutions. The proposed algorithm was successfully utilized to segment MRI cerebral tissue images. The algorithm efficiently performed segmentation of test MRI cerebral tissue images compared with algorithms proposed in previous studies.



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