
The amount of Ca$^2+$ released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is a principal determinant of cardiac contractility. Normally, the SR Ca$^2+$ stores are mobilized through the mechanism of Ca$^2+$-induced Ca$^2+$ release (CICR). In this process, Ca$^2+$ enters the cell through plasmalemmal voltage-dependent Ca$^2+$ channels to activate the Ca$^2+$ release channels in the SR membrane. Consequently, the control of Ca$^2+$ release by cytosolic Ca$^2+$ has traditionally been the main focus of cardiac excitation-contraction (EC) coupling research. Evidence obtained recently suggests that SR Ca release is controlled not only by cytosolic Ca$^2+$, but also by Ca$^2+$ in the lumen of the SR. The presence of a luminal Ca$^2+$ sensor regulating release of SR luminal Ca$^2+$ potentially has profound implications for our understanding of EC coupling and intracellular Ca$^2+$ cycling. Here we review evidence, obtained using in situ and in vitro approaches, in support of such a luminal Ca$^2+$ sensor in cardiac muscle. We also discuss the role of control of Ca$^2+$ release channels by luminal Ca$^2+$ in termination and stabilization of CICR, as well as in shaping the response of cardiac myocytes to various inotropic influences and diseased states such as Ca$^2+$ overload and heart failure.


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