
Evolutionary Metabolic Hypothesis of Cancer (EMHC)

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Ecronicon, 5 (4): 13 (2017)


This study introduces a hypothesis which is based on the Warburg Hypothesis and also lends further support to the metabolic theory of cancer put forth by Professor Thomas N Seyfried. As nearly all cancer cells have defective mitochondria they are unable to produce energy from oxidative phosphorylation. Instead, they generate ATP primarily from fermentation of glucose in the cytosol. We have done a three months’ study based on the Special Keto-Diet plus Ozone therapy for each patients with 6 different cancer metastatic tumors at the Violet Cancer Institute (VCI) in Iran/Tehran. The results were the total significant reduction in cancer tumors and we conclude that the special Keto-Diet plus Ozone therapy would be one of the best treatment method for reducing the cancer tumor size and the possibility of the metastasis of malignant cancer tumors. Our latest study is put forth the correctness of the cancer as an Evolutionary Plus Metabolic disease. Understanding the significance of this landmark hypothesis offers oncologists and cancer biologists insight into evolutionary



  • @niknamian

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