
The pits and falls of graphical presentation.

Biochemia medica, 24 (3): 311-20 (January 2014)Presentació de dades; Introductori.
DOI: 10.11613/BM.2014.033


Graphics are powerful tools to communicate research results and to gain information from data. However, researchers should be careful when deciding which data to plot and the type of graphic to use, as well as other details. The consequence of bad decisions in these features varies from making research results unclear to distortions of these results, through the creation of "chartjunk" with useless information. This paper is not another tutorial about "good graphics" and "bad graphics". Instead, it presents guidelines for graphic presentation of research results and some uncommon, but useful examples to communicate basic and complex data types, especially multivariate model results, which are commonly presented only by tables. By the end, there are no answers here, just ideas meant to inspire others on how to create their own graphics.



  • @jepcastel

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