
One issue creating a public concern regarding EMFs is the technical dimension of the issue: expert debates on the relationship between EMFs and health issues, and EMFs themselves are not generally understood by the public. As a result, EMFs are perceived as somewhat mysterious, therefore generating public anxiety. RTE has changed its communication strategy to better take into account this societal fact. The main idea is that public communication on EMF should no longer be only done by trained spokespersons, but should be more widely supported by RTE's staff, and particularly by the workers who are in charge of everyday relations with the public. In other words, the EMF issue loses a part of its weirdness when the public can relate to the person bearing the message. The paper describes in more details the implementation of this corporate policy, in particular workers' training (several tens every year) and tools (measuring devices and calculation tools) developed to help them in communicating with the public. In parallel, a new website was developed, also with the fundamental idea of making EMF more familiar and less technical. It includes for example some play teaching pages for children, and an interactive forum where internet users can directly ask any question to RTE. The last idea is that RTE has to be transparent on EMF levels generated by power lines. Therefore the EMF-dedicated website also includes a map of the French mainland territory where all ELF EMF measurements are located. Within 5 years, the objective is to offer several thousands of EMF measurements.

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  • @chkokalis
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