
Luminosity Dependence and Redshift Evolution of Strong Emission-line Diagnostics in Star-Forming Galaxies

, , and . (2015)cite arxiv:1512.00017Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 16 pages, 15 figures.


We examine the redshift evolution of standard strong emission-line diagnostics for Hbeta-selected star-forming galaxies using the local SDSS sample and a new z = 0.2 - 2.3 sample obtained from HST WFC3 grism and Keck DEIMOS and MOSFIRE data. We use the SDSS galaxies to show that there is a systematic dependence of the strong emission-line properties on Balmer-line luminosity, which we interpret as showing that both the N/O abundance and the ionization parameter increase with increasing line luminosity. Allowing for the luminosity dependence tightens the diagnostic diagrams and the metallicity calibrations. The combined SDSS and high-redshift samples show that there is no redshift evolution in the line properties once the luminosity correction is applied, i.e., all galaxies with a given L(Hbeta) have similar strong emission-line distributions at all the observed redshifts. We argue that the best metal diagnostic for the high-redshift galaxies may be a luminosity-adjusted version of the NII6584/Halpha metallicity relation.


[1512.00017] Luminosity Dependence and Redshift Evolution of Strong Emission-line Diagnostics in Star-Forming Galaxies

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