
HIV/AIDS is a global challenge that requires serious contributions from the learning technology community. This far, the solutions have been successful mostly in the places of their origin with mainly local relevance. The key question is how to identify strong learning platforms that would be viable in contexts other than their original design and use. Sura ya UKIMWI, Swahili for the face of AIDS, is an example of a digital learning environment developed in the Iringa region, Tanzania, following a participatory design approach. The Sura ya UKIMWI environment is built upon real life stories of people infected with HIV/AIDS. A feasibility analysis method is applied to evaluate how to accommodate Sura ya UKIMWI into a new context (Uganda) following a dumping, planting or seeding approach. The results indicate that when a learning environment has been developed following a contextualized approach, it is not a straightforward process to apply the environment in another context. In Uganda, important factors are, for instance, integration of teachers and other stakeholders to the design process of the environment.

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