
Randomly Evolving Idiotypic Networks: Principles of Architecture and Mean Field Theory

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


B-lymphocytes express on their surface receptors (antibodies) of a given specifity (idiotype). Crosslinking these receptors by complementary structures, antigens or antibodies, stimulates the lymphocyte. Thus a large functional network of interacting lymphocytes, the idiotypic network, emerges. Idiotypic networks conceived by Niels Jerne 30 years ago experience a renewed interest 1, e.g. in the context of autoimmune diseases. In a previously proposed minimalistic model 2 idiotypes are represented by bitstrings. The population dynamics of the idiotype clones is reduced to a zero-one scheme. An idiotype survives only if it meets enough but not too many complementary structures. We investigate the random evolution of the network towards a highly organized functional architecture which is driven by the influx of new idiotypes, randomly generated in the bone marrow. The nodes can be classified into different groups, which are clearly distinguished by their statistical characteristics. They include densely connected core groups and peripheral groups of isolated nodes, resembling central and peripheral part of the biological network. We found the building principles of the observed architecture which allows to analytically determine size and linking of the groups 3. In a mean field approach the mean occupation of the groups and the mean life time of occupied nodes are computed and compared with simulation results. 1) U. Behn, Idiotypic networks: toward a renaissance? Immunol. Rev. 216, 142-152 (2007).\\ 2) M. Brede, U. Behn, Patterns in randomly evolving networks: idiotypic networks, Phys. Rev. E 67, 031920 (2003).\\ 3) H. Schmidtchen, U. Behn, Randomly evolving idiotypic networks: analysis of building principles, in: Artificial Immune Systems, H. Bersini, J. Carneiro (eds.), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg (2006), 81-94.



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