
Semantic Web Service Composition for Service-Oriented Architectures

, , , and . Proceedings of IEEE Joint Conference (CEC/EEE 2008) on E-Commerce Technology (Tenth CEC'07) and Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (Fifth EEE'08), page 355--358. 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, P.O. Box 3014, Los Alamitos, CA 90720-1314, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Computer Society, (July 2008)Our contribution to the Web Service Challenge 2008 (WSC'08) that scored us rank three in the architecture competition. See http://cec2008.cs.georgetown.edu/wsc08/\\ The work is online available at http://www.it-weise.de/documents/index.html\#WBKG2008SWSCFSOA.\\ The paper can be downloaded at http://www.it-weise.de/documents/files/WBKG2008SWSCFSOA.pdf.\\ The slides can be downloaded at http://www.it-weise.de/documents/files/WBKG2008SWSCFSOA\_slides.pdf.\\ The software, sources, and resources can be downloaded at http://www.it-weise.de/documents/files/BBKBWJ2008WSC08CTWSC\_sources.zip.\\ Contact Thomas Weise at tweise@gmx.de or http://www.it-weise.de/..


Semantic web service composition is about finding services from a repository that are able to accomplish a specified task. The task is defined in a form of a composition request which contains a set of available input parameters and a set of wanted output parameters. Instead of the parameter values, concepts from an ontology describing their semantics are passed to the composition engine. The composer works on a repository of services. The parameters of these services are semantically annotated in the same way as the parameters in the request. The composer then finds a set of services fulfilling the request -- the composition. If the input parameters given in the request are provided, the services of this set can be executed and will finally produce the wanted output parameters. In this paper, we introduce our new, improved composition system with which we will take part in the Web Service Challenge 2008.

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  • @thomasweise
  • @tweise_iteg
  • @stbleul
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