
The present research addresses the induction of emotion during music listening in adults using categorical and dimensional theories of emotion as background. It further explores the influences of musical preference and absorption trait on induced emotion. Twenty-five excerpts of classical music representing `happiness', `sadness', `fear', `anger' and `peace' were presented individually to 99 adult participants. Participants rated the intensity of felt emotions as well as the pleasantness and arousal induced by each excerpt. Mean intensity ratings of target emotions were highest for 20 out of 25 excerpts. Pleasantness and arousal ratings led to three main clusters within the two-dimensional circumplex space. Preference for classical music significantly influenced specificity and intensity ratings across categories. Absorption trait significantly correlated with arousal ratings only. In sum, instrumental music appears effective for the induction of basic emotions in adult listeners. However, careful screening of participants in terms of their musical preferences should be mandatory.


Using music to induce emotions: Influences of musical preference and absorption -- Kreutz et al. 36 (1): 101 -- Psychology of Music

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