Opettaja masturboi videolla oppilaiden edessä, oppikirja kertoo, että mieskin voi synnyttää ja Elokapina esittelee kouluissa toimintaansa – mutta barokkikonsertti perutaan uskonnollisuuden takia, ihmettelee Iltalehden kolumnisti Sanna Ukkola.
Yhdenvertaisuus- ja tasa-arvolautakunnan päätös on ensimmäinen laatuaan.
Uskonnoton lapsi kuuli koulussa laulun Jeesuksesta – nyt Hämeenlinna joutuu maksamaan 1 500 euron hyvityksen
Yhdenvertaisuus- ja tasa-arvolautakunnan päätös on ensimmäinen laatuaan.
Vastuu koulussa pidettävän tilaisuuden sisällöstä on aina koulutuksen järjestäjällä.
Leena-Kaisa Laakso
31.10. 2024
I created this website in 2014 to host my personal collection of backing tracks for music practice, making them available for any musician to enjoy and help improve their playing. It has since grown to contain 160+ popular Bluegrass tunes as well as Old-Time, Gypsy Jazz and now 100+ Traditional Irish session tunes.
All of the tracks are built using samples from real musicians to sound and feel as authentic as possible.
Whether you play fiddle, banjo, mandolin, guitar, flute, or accordion, there is no better way to learn than to play with other musicians.
The intention was always to keep this site free to use and free from ads. It has stayed online with help from the kind donations of those who find it useful and enjoy playing along with the many tracks.
We started out editing and archiving music just for the clarinet. Over the years we have branched out to almost every instrument. We receive old boxes of music from musicians like you all over the world, so we are truly international! If you have an old box of music and would like it saved for posterity, please contact us!
Here you will find a selection of sources where you can use sheet music without violating copyright. Please let us know or use the comment function if you know of other sources for free sheet music.
Free-scores.com was launched in 2000 and offers free access to 188838 pieces of music : 370826 PDF, 157197 MP3 (37980 interpretations, 35367 Play-along , 83086 digital]) 38005 MIDI.
We provide contemporary, classical, and educational sheet music for all instruments, free of charge. Free-scores.com is a free and legitimate platform for composers, arrangers, and publishers. It is important to always respect the rights of use of these scores, so please read our Licence page.
Join TIIM(The Institute of Instrumental Music) the best music institute in Kolkata, and take your musical journey to the next level. Learn from industry experts through tailored courses in vocals, instruments, music production, and theory. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, our state-of-the-art facilities and personalized training ensure you achieve your goals. Participate in workshops, live performances, and certification programs to build your confidence and skills. Enroll now and transform your passion for music into a professional path!
Eeva-Kaarina Kolsi, Ilta-Sanomat:
21.11.2020 12:35 Juice Leskinen teki Imagine-kappaleelle suomenkieliset sanat luokkakaverinsa Eija Ahvon laulettavaksi. Se julkaistaan levyllä nyt, kun John Lennonin kuolemasta tulee 40 vuotta.
S. Hachmeier, and R. Jäschke. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on NLP for Music and Audio, page 37--42. Association for Computational Lingustics, (November 2024)
S. Hachmeier, and R. Jäschke. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on NLP for Music and Audio, page 43--48. Association for Computational Lingustics, (November 2024)
A. Ferraro, L. Porcaro, P. Knees, and C. Bauer. Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, page 1202-1205. New York, NY, USA, Association for Computing Machinery, (Oct 8, 2024)
A. Ferraro, M. Ekstrand, and C. Bauer. Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, page 884–889. New York, NY, USA, Association for Computing Machinery, (Oct 8, 2024)