
Grid Service-Based Benchmarking Tool for Computer Architecture Courses

, , , , and . Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines, Proceedings of the EC-TEL 2009, volume 5794 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer, (October 2009)


Benchmarking for educational purposes in the context of computer science can be hindered by the low number and the homogeneity of the machines to be assessed, as well as by the inaccuracy of the benchmarks to represent specific workloads. To overcome those limitations, this paper proposes a benchmarking tool developed within a service-oriented grid in order to allow students to benchmark multiple workloads in machines that may belong to several educational institutions. This tool has been validated in a real educational scenario corresponding to an undergraduate university course on Computer Architecture. The students and educators that participated in this experience highlighted its easiness of usage and usefulness and indicated that benchmarking activities based on the presented tool were preferred in comparison to other previous approaches in educational scenarios.

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