
The shoricomings of the traditional design approaches based on the extreme fiber (in ter111s of si111plc bca111 thellry) direct wi1e stre"e' as the factor controlling strand restrained bending fatigue perfor111ance. have been resolved. /\ new para.meter has been pn>pll,ed. which largely ovcrcll111es these li111it<itions <q1d is capable of predicting free-bending fatigue life llf axially preloaded spiral strands clamped at the end. The model explains so111e experimental observations. which have found the initial wire fractures at the fixed emb being invariably located at the so-called neu1ral axis rather than (as might he expected). at the extreme fiber position. The theory all rihutes ,th.: occurrence of interwire-interlayer fr~ctures to the fretting f;1tigue phenomenon. and takes interwire friction fully inw account. The· new model i' found to give very encouraging correlations with available experimental fatigue data on siunc sti11'tantial spiral strands. The theory abo dem- 011s1rales the possibility of suh~lanli~d ll'dt1rllt111.., in ~111:athc.:d ~pi1:d ~l1a11d free~ hcndin!,'. fitli!,'.uc life in dcq1-w;rtc1 ;rpplk;rtror". Irr tht· pa't. 'uch clfccb were invarfobly ignored in the de"gn of lllllllring ')'stems in. "1y. deep-water guyed-tower platfor111 applications. Ry employing practical sim.plifying assumpttons. a similar parameter for estimating the frcc·hending fatigue life of multistrand ropes. in the vicinity of end terminations. has alsll been proposed.

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