
La expansión y diversificación de la educación superior privada en México en los primeros diez años del siglo XXI

. Espacio Abierto, 22 (3): 413-436 (July 2013)


Public governmental policy in the last ten years has led to the devel- opment and proliferation of private higher education that uses mar- ket logic, without regulatory frameworks to adequately control its growth and quality. At the same time, the federal government has im- plemented policies to expand its capacity for coordinating and inter- vening in public higher education institutions. This article offers an analysis of the development of higher education in Mexico during the first decade of the current century, with special attention to the di- verse and heterogeneous behavior of the private subsystem, which seems to have reached a relative expansion limit, while the emer- gence and development of educational consortiums is noted.

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