
From meaning making to joint construction of knowledge practices and artefacts: a trialogical approach to CSCL

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Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - Volume 1, page 83–92. International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2009)


CSCL research is often closely connected to dialogic theories of learning and human cognition with an emphasis on shared meaning making. Without neglecting this viewpoint we give reasons for an alternative framework. We call this alternative a "trialogical" approach; it emphasizes joint and organized work with artefacts and practices as a basis for collaborative learning. The paper explains the use of this notion and clarifies theoretical backgrounds for the approach in line with the knowledge creation metaphor of learning, and relates it especially to knowledge building and socio-cultural and cultural-historical theories of human cognition. Various theories concerning mediation are briefly analyzed. The paper also explains how dialogues and trialogues are close to each other if, for example, the role of common ground is analyzed further. Lastly, design principles of the trialogical approach are concisely described.



  • @psilabx

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